If you've ever played The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, You'll remember the tingle turner.
What a useless item that is!
While it allowed for two player game play, it was mostly use for two player-being -a-total-DICK. A typical conversation using the tingle turner:
-"Stop using all my coins!"
-"Well, I got to do something, I'm kinda bored..."
-"Just, Stick to me, hit R."
-"I'm bored again, I'll go exploring. What's the button to release myself of of you? 'a'?"
-"DON'T PRESS A, THAT'S THE-- bomb. Well, there you go, you just blew me off a cliff."
-"Is it 'b'?"
-"No that's the 'annoy me' button. That's it, screw the tingle turner!"
It wasn't even coded right! If you use the B button while link opened a chest, the game would freeze. What a dumb idea...